Crocking is when the finish on your leather couch, chair, or boat seat begins to thin or separate. The leather underneath will start to show.
The effect can be anything from a spider web-like appearance to actual peeling of the finish. The affected area has a much-worn look to it when this condition occurs, and most likely occurs on seats where there is more friction from clothing and pets.
Let us repair "crocking" wear on your leather, and you'll be protected against cracking and peeling for 6 months with our great
Call New Life Service Co today!
Why is my leather crocking?
Crocking can happen for many reasons, some of them including
leather that has been split too thin, low-grade leather, or the panel of leather with crocking was from the more elastic part of the hide - such as the belly area.
When your leather was last cleaned?
There may have also been excessive wear and exposure to pets and human body oils causing crocking
to occur, or there has been little or no maintenance with a leather cleaner or conditioner.